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The GAP suite of programs (together “the Software”, protected by US patent US8843509B2), written by Dr Gabor Csanyi and Dr Albert Bartok-Partay of the University of Cambridge (the “Authors”) for describing the chemical environments of atoms and molecules and predicting potential energy surfaces, is copyrighted by the University of Cambridge and the Authors. Users at non-commercial institutions may obtain a copy for Non-commercial Purposes, by following these steps below. "Non-commercial Purposes" means use of the Software and/or any Software-derived data (including interatomic potentials) for academic research or other not-for-profit or scholarly purposes which are undertaken at an educational, non-profit, charitable or governmental institution that does not involve the production or manufacture of products for sale or the performance of services for a fee or other non-monetary value.
For commercial use of either or both the Software or any Software-derived data, please contact Cambridge Enterprise Limited at .